Welcome To Nicols and Brien
We have found over the years that by providing such information and knowledge early to our clients, they can choose the correct course of action to suit their own individual situation.
This will inevitably result in a better outcome than otherwise would be the case.
The senior members of Nicols + Brien have over 30 years of experience in dealing with insolvency issues and advising and helping clients resolve them. As fully qualified practitioners, we can assist by providing practical, no-nonsense advice and take on the full range of Appointments in Australia.
We pride ourselves on being available at short notice to travel wherever the situation demands. Initial consultation to discuss the issues are at no cost.
We have offices in Sydney and Wollongong in New South Wales.
Our Location
Contact Details
- Level 2, 350 Kent Street Sydney NSW Australia 2000
- PO Box Q191 QVB Post Shop Sydney NSW Australia 1230
- Phone: 02 9299 2289
- Fax: 02 9299 2239
- Email: mail@nicolsandbrien.com.au
- Level 2, 70 Market Street Wollongong NSW Australia 2500
- PO Box 5432 Wollongong 2520
- Phone: 02 4226 6025
- Fax: 02 4226 6360
- Email: wollongongmail@nicolsandbrien.com.au